Prof Ian Giddy: Case Studies

Actual and adapted cases detailing the challenges of financial analysis facing corporations
and financial institutions around the world

Prof. Ian Giddy

New York University Stern School of Business

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Global Banking and Finance

Situations in the foreign exchange markets, the Eurocurrency and Eurobond markets, and how investment banks and commercial banks solve clients' problems  

Corporate Finance

Cases in funding and investment, with an emphasis on corporate value creation through financial restructuring


Financial Risk Management

Examples of the managment of financial risk exposure in corporations and banks, often focused on the use and pricing of derivatives  

Asset-Backed Securities

A wide variety of applications of securitization as a financing and investment vehicle


Ian H. Giddy is a professor of finance at New York University's Stern School of Business. During the past three decades, Dr. Giddy has taught numerous academic and short courses and workshops at many of the world's leading financial institutions, corporations, universities and government agencies.

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Copyright ©2005 Ian Giddy. All rights reserved. Last rev 21 Aug 2006 jog