Copyright ©2009 Ian Giddy. All rights reserved.
Ian Giddy passed away on June
14th 2009. He suffered briefly from a recurrence of a rare cancer, and
died peacefully surrounded by his family, in Manhattan. He
is deeply mourned by his wife, Jenny O'Grady Giddy and his family and
Foundations of Finance Financial theories, tools and markets Applied Corporate Finance
Corporate financial asset, liability and risk management International Corporate Finance Companies in the global capital and foreign exchange markets Global Banking and Capital Markets Investment and commercial banks, at home and abroad Debt Instruments and Markets Analysis and valuation of fixed income securities and derivatives Structured Finance and Structured Finance EMBA Financing techniques tailored to meet issuers' or investors' needs Corporate Financial Restructuring Create value by fixing the financing or the business mix |
Schedule of
seminars The
workshops: when and where Corporate Finance How to reassess your funding and investment Financial Risk Management Risk measurement and management with hedging tools Asset-Backed Securities Intensive workshops on securitization | Giddy's short courses and seminars Asset-backed securities Calculators and Spreadsheets Web and Excel Resources for Finance Instructors Teaching tools Finance Links
and Tools Web sites |
Global Banking and Finance How international investment banks and commercial banks solve clients' problems Corporate Finance Financial restructuring to create corporate value Financial Risk Management When and how to hedge Asset-Backed Securities ABS and CDOs as financing and investment vehicles
Global Financial Markets A guide to the workings of the world's currency, money and capital, commodities and derivatives markets. Cases in International Finance Cross-border funding, investment and risk management The International Money Market The Eurocurrency and foreign exchange markets The International Finance Handbook Two fat volumes Asset Securitization in Asia In brief Selected Articles Giddy's and others
Calendar (password required) Life in a Giddy world