Ian Giddy passed away on June 14th 2009. He suffered briefly from a recurrence of a rare cancer, and died peacefully surrounded by his family, in Manhattan.   He is deeply mourned by his wife, Jenny O'Grady Giddy and his family and friends.
 He will be greatly missed by all those who knew him in the world of Finance.  A visionary who founded two nature reserves, Cloudbridge in Costa Rica, and Wildcliff in South Africa, he influenced the lives of many young researchers, and his legacy will live on in the forests and mountains where he loved to hike.

Contact: jenny@giddy.net

Foundations of Finance Financial theories, tools and markets

Applied Corporate Finance Corporate financial asset, liability and risk management
Mergers & Acquisitions Pre-and post-merger valuation; financing acquisitions and buyouts

International Corporate Finance Companies in the global capital and foreign exchange markets

Global Banking and Capital Markets Investment and commercial banks, at home and abroad

Debt Instruments and Markets Analysis and valuation of fixed income securities and derivatives

Structured Finance and Structured Finance EMBA Financing techniques tailored to meet issuers' or investors' needs

Corporate Financial Restructuring Create value by fixing the financing or the business mix


Schedule of seminars The workshops: when and where
Global Banking and Finance Workshops designed to sharpen bankers' competitiveness

Corporate Finance How to reassess your funding and investment

Financial Risk Management Risk measurement and management with hedging tools

Asset-Backed Securities Intensive workshops on securitization


Giddyonline.com Giddy's short courses and seminars

ABSresearch.com Asset-backed securities

Calculators and Spreadsheets Web and Excel

Resources for Finance Instructors Teaching tools

Finance Links and Tools Web sites
Cloudbridge | Wildcliff | Watertrail Nature